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Hi, I'm a Kenyan-born, Colorado-based single mom to twins Hodari and Milambu. I turned the challenges of single motherhood into a thriving YouTube community and blog. Here, I offer support and practical advice on parenting, lifestyle, and more. Let's navigate life's complexities together!


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single motherhood





Whoever said that holiday traditions were set in stone probably never had to untangle a string of Christmas lights with a toddler in tow or explain to a curious six-year-old why Santa has an email address in the age of tech. If you’re navigating the holiday high seas as a solo captain, you’ve got the map, the ship, and the stars to steer by—so let’s chart a course for holiday traditions that are as refreshingly unique as your own little crew.

You see, when it comes to holiday traditions, there’s a certain magic in making them your own. We’re talking about the kind of holiday spirit that doesn’t require a perfect pine tree or an elf on a shelf (unless he’s bringing you coffee, am I right?). From the moment the first snowflake dances in the chilly air to the last piece of wrapping paper hurled into the recycling bin, there’s an entire season ready to be sprinkled with your own brand of merry and bright.

So grab your Santa hats (and maybe a glass of eggnog for good measure) because we’re about to embark on a jolly journey through 30 holiday traditions that will have you and your little ones giggling with glee and basking in the warmth of the yuletide glow. It’s time to redefine the holiday hustle with a touch of whimsy, a dash of creativity, and a sleigh-load of love.

Why Holiday Traditions Matter

Think of holiday traditions as your family’s personal collection of inside jokes, but with more tinsel. They’re the secret handshake of the season, a way to say, “This is us, this is what we love, and this is how we roll when the world turns sparkly and bright.” These rituals are like comfort food for the soul, keeping us grounded and connected amidst the whirlwind of wrapping paper and ribbon.

But their magic goes deeper than just repeating the same recipe or song year after year. For us, the single-parent brigade, traditions are the building blocks for our children’s memories. They’re the constants in a season that can sometimes feel as unpredictable as holiday sale prices. They give our kids the gift of anticipation and the security of knowing that some things – like mom’s terrible Christmas sweater and her famous hot cocoa – never change.

In short, holiday traditions are the stories we write together, the ones we’ll all be recounting with laughter and a few happy tears years down the line. They’re the moments that matter, distilled into festive activities that say “family” in a language all our own. So let’s make them count, shall we?

Make the Most of the Holidays with These 30 Festive Traditions

1. Have a Tree Trimming Party

Embrace the festive spirit by kicking off the season with a tree trimming event. Make it a real shindig where each child selects or creates a new ornament. This not only brightens the tree but also builds a sparkling archive of your family’s growth and changes. Imagine the tree as a living scrapbook, with each ornament capturing a tale, a dream, or a burst of laughter from the year gone by. This becomes an annual walk down memory lane, highlighting the beautiful, evolving narrative of your single-parent family.

2. Host a Holiday Movie Marathon

Why not make one night a holiday movie extravaganza? Pull out the holiday-themed pajamas, pop some corn, and snuggle up for a marathon of cinematic magic. This is a tradition that doesn’t demand anything but your presence (and maybe your ability to quote every line from “Home Alone”). It’s the perfect setup for laughter, coziness, and shared family warmth that could very well become the highlight of your holiday season.

3. Dive into a Baking Day Extravaganza

Holiday Traditions

Set aside a day for a no-holds-barred baking bonanza. Turn the kitchen into a cookie factory where flour clouds puff up and sprinkles color the counters. It’s one part chaos, two parts fun, and a whole lot of yummy. The best part? You get to eat your arts and crafts. These baking days are less about the cookies and more about the hands-in-dough, icing-on-noses memories that you’re making together.

4. Get Crafty with Crafting Sessions

Hold crafting sessions where the glue sticks are plentiful, and the glitter is mandatory. Whether it’s making DIY ornaments, constructing paper garlands, or sending handmade cards, these crafting times become memory-making workshops. They are perfect for those afternoons when it’s just too chilly to venture outside, bringing the spirit of the holidays inside with each snip and stick.

5. Explore with Local Light-Seeing

Transform a regular evening into a wondrous excursion with local light-seeing. Load up the car with blankets, a thermos of hot cocoa, and a playlist of your favorite holiday tunes. Then, tour the neighborhood or drive to special light displays. It’s like a safari, but instead of lions and tigers, you’re on the hunt for the best and brightest holiday setups the town has to offer.

6. Give Back with Charity and Giving

Ingrain the spirit of the season with acts of charity and giving. Choose a cause or a family in need and extend a helping hand. This tradition plants the seeds of empathy, kindness, and gratitude in your children and can range from volunteering at a soup kitchen to sending cards to a nursing home. It’s a profound way to teach that the holidays aren’t just about receiving; they’re immensely about giving, too.

7. Cozy Up with Storytelling Nights

Designate evenings dedicated to storytelling. These can be about reminiscing over past holidays, reading classic tales by the glow of the tree, or making up your own winter wonderland stories. It’s a time when the outside world is paused, and the only thing that matters is the sound of your voice weaving tales of wonder, teaching lessons of holidays past, and instilling the comfort of tradition.

8. Add a Personal Touch with Personalized Gift Wrapping

Turn gift-wrapping into an event in itself. Gather all the gifts, set out an array of wrapping materials, and get creative. Use stamps, colorful pens, stickers, or even paint to make the wrapping paper as personal and unique as the gift inside. This isn’t about perfect corners and fancy bows; it’s about infusing love into every folded edge and taped seam.

9. Establish a Holiday Breakfast Tradition

Forge a tradition that’s all about starting Christmas day off with a bang—of the breakfast kind. Whether it’s a stack of pancakes drowning in syrup or waffles topped with all the trimmings, make it a meal to remember. Over time, this breakfast becomes a culinary cue that the celebration has begun, and it’s something your kids will look forward to as much as the presents.

10. Take Winter Walks

When the world gets a bit too loud, wrap up in your coziest coats and venture out for a winter walk. Let the quiet of the season envelop you as you stroll through the hushed streets or crunch across a frosty park. It’s a simple tradition that offers a breath of fresh air and a moment of peace amid the holiday hullabaloo.

11. Create a Thankful Jar

Throughout the holiday season, keep a thankful jar. Anytime someone feels a burst of gratitude, write it down and slip it in the jar. Then, on New Year’s Eve, gather around and read these notes out loud. It’s a beautiful way to reflect on the year’s blessings and to teach your children the importance of gratitude.

12. Prepare a Christmas Eve Box

Make the anticipation of Christmas even more exciting with a Christmas Eve box. Fill it with cozy pajamas, a holiday movie, some favorite snacks, and maybe even a book or two. It’s like a starter kit for a night brimming with family joy and a calm before the whirlwind of Christmas Day.

13. Exchange Gifts with Secret Santa

Shake up the gift-giving tradition with a family Secret Santa. This adds an element of mystery and fun to the holidays and can be especially exciting for kids who love the thrill of secret-keeping and guesswork. It also helps ensure everyone gets a gift and has the fun of giving one, too.

14. Whip Up a Homemade Hot Cocoa Stand

Holiday Traditions

Transform your kitchen or living room into a makeshift hot cocoa stand. Experiment with different flavors—peppermint, caramel, or even spicy chili—for a unique twist on a classic winter warmer. It’s a tasty way to bond and a delightful indulgence to look forward to after a day of holiday activities.

15. Don Festive Silly Santa Hats

Who says Santa hats have to be traditional? Find the silliest, most outrageous Santa hats you can and make it a tradition to wear them during your holiday activities. It’s a fun, lighthearted way to spread cheer and encourage everyone not to take the season too seriously.

16. Get Moving with a Holiday Playlist Dance-Off

When the holiday stress starts to build, blast a holiday playlist and have impromptu dance-offs. Let loose, be silly, and dance like no one’s watching. This isn’t about rhythm or moves; it’s about joy and silliness and making laughter as much a part of your holiday as any carol or chant.

17. Send Letters to Santa

Keep the wonder alive with the tradition of writing letters to Santa. But add a twist by having “Santa” write back, celebrating your children’s accomplishments and good deeds throughout the year. This not only keeps the magic of Santa alive but also becomes a cherished keepsake for years to come.

18. Embark on a Festive Scavenger Hunt

Organize a scavenger hunt with a holiday spin. Whether it’s around the house or neighborhood, it’s a dynamic way to engage with the holiday spirit. Clues could be wrapped around festive themes and the search can lead to a small treasure trove of holiday treats or the final location of a family outing.

19. Compile a Year in Review Photo Album

Take the time to put together a photo album of the past year. This album can be a mix of the mundane and the momentous, illustrating the full and rich life you lead as a single mom. Present it to your family as a gift that celebrates the love, the challenges, the achievements, and all the tiny, perfect moments in between.

20. Start a New Year’s Dream Time Capsule

As the year winds down, invite each family member to write down their dreams, goals, or wishes for the coming year. Place these into a time capsule to be opened next year. This tradition not only serves as a time for reflection but also as a reminder of the goals and hopes that each person holds dear as they move forward into the new year.

21. Plan a Pajama Night

Cue the cozy vibes with a dedicated pajama night. This isn’t just about wearing any old PJs; it’s about donning the coziest, most outlandish sleepwear you have. Make it extra special by coinciding it with your movie marathon or storytelling night. It’s a cuddly, comfy tradition that invites relaxation and silliness into your home and is the perfect way to wind down from the excitement of the day.

22. Embrace Ugly Sweater Fun

No holiday season is complete without the quintessential ugly sweater! Turn it into a lighthearted competition among family members to find the most outrageous, brightly-colored, or jingle-bell-adorned sweaters. Wear them on a specific day or to a particular event, maybe when you go light-seeing or at your holiday breakfast. It’s a great way to laugh together and not take yourselves too seriously, plus you’ll make for a memorable picture!

23. Host a Family Game Night

In the digital age, going analog can be incredibly refreshing. Set up a family game night where board games, card games, or charades take the center stage. Turn off the screens and challenge each other in friendly competition. You might pair this with your hot cocoa stand, so players can enjoy a warm cup of cocoa while pondering their next move. These game nights can foster teamwork, healthy competition, and a lot of laughs, making them a cherished holiday tradition.

24. Have a ‘Decorate Your Room’ Day

Encourage your kids’ creativity by allowing them to decorate their rooms for the holidays. Provide them with lights, non-breakable ornaments, and other safe decorations. This tradition gives each child an opportunity to express themselves and take pride in their personal space, adding to the overall festiveness of the home.

25. Organize a Family Talent Show

Let everyone showcase their talents (or silly party tricks) with a family talent show. This can be an annual event where each family member prepares a performance. It’s a fun and engaging way to celebrate individuality and enjoy each other’s company, and it provides plenty of opportunities for laughter and applause.

26. Family DIY Decoration Day

Set aside a day to create DIY decorations together. From snowflakes out of paper to homemade wreaths from gathered branches, the items you create can decorate your home and even serve as personalized gifts for friends and family. It’s a perfect way to bond and also gives your children a sense of accomplishment when they see their creations displayed.

27. Go Caroling or Create a Family Carol

Holiday Traditions

Music is the heart of many celebrations, and the holidays are no exception. If your family is musically inclined, consider going caroling around your neighborhood or hosting a sing-along at home. Alternatively, you can create a unique family holiday carol that you sing each year. It might become the next ‘hit’ within your family circle!

28. Prepare a Family Feast Together

Instead of the usual holiday dinner prepared by one or two people, make it a family affair where everyone helps. Assign everyone a task, whether it’s setting the table, washing vegetables, stirring the gravy, or being the official taste-tester. This not only teaches valuable life skills but also enhances the feeling of togetherness.

29. Initiate a Family Book Reading

Select a book that’s suitable for all ages and read it aloud together in the evenings. You could choose a classic holiday story or a new book each year. This can become a nightly ritual as you count down to the holiday, providing a peaceful end to the day and fostering a love for stories and reading.

30. Plan Outdoor Snow Adventures

If you live in a place where snow is a part of the winter season, plan for some outdoor snow adventures. Build a snowman together, have a snowball fight, or create snow angels. These activities are not only great for exercise but also wonderful for creating lasting memories.

Wrapping Up…

As we wrap up our list of festive traditions, remember that it’s all about the little moments and the big laughs with your kids. Every burnt cookie, every wonky homemade ornament, and those cozy movie nights in matching PJs – they’re what holiday memories are made of. Being a single mom means you get to call the shots on making the holiday season as sparkly, silly, and snug as you want it to be. So, let’s raise our hot cocoa mugs to creating traditions that’ll stick with our kiddos long after the decorations are packed away.

Holiday Traditions

30 Festive Holiday Traditions That Will Make Your Season Merry and Bright

Holiday Traditions

Nov 22, 2023

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