
Single motherhood






Hi, I'm a Kenyan-born, Colorado-based single mom to twins Hodari and Milambu. I turned the challenges of single motherhood into a thriving YouTube community and blog. Here, I offer support and practical advice on parenting, lifestyle, and more. Let's navigate life's complexities together!


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single motherhood





Co-parenting with a toxic ex can feel like treading through an emotional minefield. The remnants of a broken relationship coupled with toxic behavior can turn communication into a daunting challenge. As a single mom, you find yourself caught in a delicate balance between protecting your child and fostering a healthy co-parenting dynamic. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey together, exploring the dos and don’ts of communicating with a toxic co-parent. By equipping yourself with practical strategies and real-life examples, you can rise above the chaos and establish a nurturing environment that prioritizes the well-being of your child.

Communication with a toxic ex is no ordinary feat. It requires patience, resilience, and a deep commitment to keeping the best interests of your child at the forefront. As we delve into the dos and don’ts, remember that you are not alone. Countless single moms have walked this path before you, and their wisdom can help guide you towards a healthier co-parenting relationship.

In the following sections, we will explore the essential dos that will empower you to take control of the narrative. We’ll discuss the importance of establishing boundaries, utilizing neutral language, maintaining written records, and seeking support. Accompanied by vivid examples, you will gain insight into how these dos can reshape your communication dynamics, allowing you to navigate the choppy waters with strength and grace.

Yet, we cannot embark on this journey without acknowledging the pitfalls to avoid. The don’ts of communicating with a toxic ex will equip you with the knowledge to sidestep potential traps and maintain your sanity amidst the chaos. From refraining from engaging in arguments and using children as messengers to resisting the temptation of blame and impulsiveness, we will unveil the common pitfalls that can hinder your progress. By recognizing these dangers, you will be better prepared to chart a course that leads to a healthier co-parenting relationship.

Ultimately, this blog post serves as your compass—a guiding light in the midst of stormy emotions and turbulent interactions. As a single mom, you possess incredible strength and resilience. Through effective communication with your toxic ex, you have the power to shield your child from unnecessary harm and lay the foundation for a brighter future. So, take a deep breath, gather your strength, and let us embark on this transformative journey together.

communicating with a toxic co-parent

Healthy Co-Parenting Communication: Dos and Don’ts for Dealing with a Toxic Co-parent

The Dos of Communicating with A Toxic Coparent

1. Do Establish Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with a toxic ex. Clearly define what is acceptable and what is not in your communication. Stick to discussing only matters directly related to your child’s well-being, such as schedules, medical information, and school-related issues. Communicate your boundaries calmly and assertively, ensuring your ex understands the importance of maintaining respectful communication.

Example: “Hi, [Ex’s Name]. I wanted to discuss our communication moving forward. It would be best if we focused solely on matters concerning our child’s welfare. I believe this approach will create a healthier environment for all of us.”

2. Do Use Neutral Language

Communicate in a neutral and objective manner to prevent unnecessary conflicts. Avoid using language that can be interpreted as accusatory, confrontational, or emotional. Stick to the facts and focus on finding solutions that benefit your child.

Example: “I noticed that our child missed their doctor’s appointment. Can we discuss ways to avoid this in the future and ensure their healthcare needs are met?”

3. Do Maintain Written Communication

When dealing with a toxic ex, having written records of your communication can be invaluable. Use emails, text messages, or dedicated co-parenting apps to document your discussions. This can help clarify any misunderstandings, serve as evidence if needed, and provide a sense of accountability.

Example: “Dear [Ex’s Name], I wanted to confirm the details of our agreed-upon custody schedule for the upcoming holidays. Please review the attached document and let me know if there are any changes or concerns.”

4. Do Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist, support groups, or close friends who understand your situation. Having a reliable support system can provide emotional guidance and valuable advice when navigating challenging interactions with a toxic ex.

5. Do Keep Conversations Concise

Strive to keep your communication brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or going off on tangents that can potentially lead to misunderstandings or arguments. Clear and concise communication reduces the chances of misinterpretation and keeps the focus on the important matters at hand.

Example: “Hi [Ex’s Name], I wanted to inform you that our child’s school play is scheduled for next Friday at 6:00 PM. Please let me know if you’d like to attend.”

Related: The Best Self-Care Practices While Co-Parenting With A Toxic Ex

6. Do Practice Active Listening

When engaging in discussions with your toxic ex, practice active listening. Hear their concerns and acknowledge their perspective, even if you disagree. This demonstrates your willingness to work together and can help diffuse tension during difficult conversations.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I understand that you have concerns about the after-school activities. Let’s discuss potential solutions that accommodate our child’s interests and schedule.”

7. Do Utilize Mediation or Counseling

If communication becomes consistently difficult and unproductive, consider involving a mediator or seeking professional counseling. Mediators can help facilitate discussions, establish compromises, and find common ground. Professional counseling can provide guidance and support for both you and your ex in navigating the complexities of co-parenting.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I believe it would be beneficial for us to seek the assistance of a mediator to help us find productive ways to communicate and resolve our differences. This would ensure a healthier environment for our child.”

8. Do Focus on Positive Co-Parenting

Maintain a positive mindset and focus on fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship. Keep in mind that your child benefits greatly from seeing their parents working together, even in challenging situations. Collaborate on decisions and celebrate each other’s successes as parents.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I wanted to acknowledge the effort you put into our child’s recent school project. It’s wonderful to see us working together to support their education. Let’s continue this positive co-parenting dynamic.”

The Don’ts of Communicating with A Toxic Coparent

1. Don’t Engage in Arguments

Avoid getting drawn into arguments or heated discussions with your toxic ex. Remember that their goal may be to provoke a reaction from you. Stay calm, composed, and focused on the well-being of your child. If you find yourself becoming emotionally involved, take a step back and give yourself time to cool down before responding.

Example: “Hi [Ex’s Name], I understand you have concerns about the latest custody arrangements. I think it would be best if we discuss this when we’re both in a calmer state of mind. Let’s revisit the topic tomorrow.”

2. Don’t Communicate Through Your Child

It’s essential to maintain direct communication with your ex and avoid using your child as a messenger. Engaging your child in adult matters can place unnecessary stress on them and potentially harm their well-being. Encourage your ex to communicate directly with you or use a reliable communication channel.

Example: “[Child’s Name] mentioned that you had concerns about the visitation schedule. I believe it’s best if we discuss this matter ourselves, as involving our child may be confusing and stressful for them.”

Related: 40 Empowering Journaling Prompts for Healing and Growth While Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex

3. Don’t Criticize or Blame

Resist the temptation to criticize or blame your ex, even if their behavior is toxic. Engaging in negativity will only escalate the situation and hinder effective communication. Focus on finding practical solutions rather than dwelling on past mistakes or engaging in personal attacks.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I understand we have differences, but I believe it’s in our child’s best interest to work together and find common ground. Let’s focus on what we can do to improve our co-parenting relationship.”

4. Don’t React impulsively

When faced with provocation or negativity from your ex, take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. Reacting impulsively may lead to regrettable words or actions that can exacerbate the situation. Instead, respond thoughtfully and maintain your composure.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I received your message, and I understand your concerns. I will take some time to reflect on the matter and respond when I feel more composed.”

5. Don’t Use Children as Bargaining Chips

Avoid using your child as leverage or a bargaining chip in discussions or negotiations with your ex. Putting your child in the middle of adult conflicts can be emotionally damaging and detrimental to their well-being. Shield them from unnecessary stress and ensure they feel loved and supported by both parents.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], let’s refrain from discussing financial matters in front of our child. It’s important to shield them from adult concerns and allow them to focus on being a child.”

6. Don’t Share Personal Details

Resist the urge to share personal information or details about your life with your toxic ex. Maintain boundaries and keep the focus of your communication strictly on matters related to your child. Sharing personal details may open doors for manipulation or exploitation.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I appreciate your concern, but my personal life is separate from our co-parenting responsibilities. Let’s keep our discussions centered on our child’s well-being.”

7. Don’t Engage in Power Struggles

Avoid power struggles or trying to “one-up” your ex in any way. Co-parenting is about cooperation, not competition. Refrain from making decisions solely to gain an upper hand or assert control. Instead, prioritize what is best for your child’s overall development.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], it’s essential that we make decisions based on what’s in our child’s best interest, rather than trying to outdo each other. Let’s focus on nurturing a healthy co-parenting relationship.”

8. Don’t Give In to Provocation

Toxic ex-partners may intentionally provoke you to elicit a negative response. Refuse to engage in their game. Maintain your composure, rise above their attempts to incite conflict, and respond with calmness and maturity.

Example: “[Ex’s Name], I understand you’re frustrated, but I won’t engage in an argument with you. Let’s find a constructive solution to the issue at hand.”

Related: Your Complete Guide to Effectively Documenting Co-Parenting Challenges

Talking Points For Common Co-parenting Challenges

communicating with a toxic co-parent
  • Late or missed child pick-ups or drop-offs: Talking Point: “I noticed that there have been some delays in our agreed-upon pick-up and drop-off times. It’s important for us to be punctual and consistent for the sake of our child. Can we discuss strategies to ensure smoother transitions?”
  • Disagreements over parenting decisions: Talking Point: “I understand we have different approaches to parenting, but it’s important to find common ground for our child’s well-being. Let’s schedule a time to discuss our concerns and explore potential compromises that address both of our perspectives.”
  • Non-payment or inconsistent child support: Talking Point: “I wanted to address the issue of inconsistent child support payments. It’s crucial for our child’s financial stability that we both fulfill our obligations. Can we discuss how we can ensure consistent and timely payments moving forward?”
  • Disruptions in visitation schedules: Talking Point: “I’ve noticed some changes in the visitation schedule that were not previously discussed. To provide stability and predictability for our child, let’s communicate any necessary modifications in advance and work together to create a revised schedule that accommodates everyone’s needs.”
  • Unhealthy or negative communication: Talking Point: “I believe it’s essential for us to maintain a respectful and positive tone in our communication. Let’s refrain from using derogatory language or engaging in arguments. Our child’s well-being is our top priority, and healthy communication sets a positive example for them.”
  • Differences in disciplinary approaches: Talking Point: “I understand that we may have different disciplinary styles, but it’s crucial for our child’s consistency and understanding that we present a united front. Can we find ways to align our approaches and establish consistent boundaries to provide them with stability?”
  • Emergency situations and medical decisions: Talking Point: “In case of emergency situations or important medical decisions, it’s crucial that we communicate promptly and make decisions in the best interest of our child. Let’s ensure that we keep each other informed and involve both parents in any critical decisions.”
  • Changes in extracurricular activities or school events: Talking Point: “I wanted to inform you about upcoming changes in our child’s extracurricular activities and school events. It’s important for both of us to be involved and supportive. Let’s discuss how we can coordinate our schedules and ensure our child’s participation is maximized.”
  • Disagreements over holiday or vacation schedules: Talking Point: “I understand we both have preferences for holiday and vacation schedules. To ensure fairness and minimize conflicts, let’s discuss our expectations and explore options for sharing these special times with our child. By finding compromises, we can create meaningful experiences for them.”
  • Concerns about the child’s well-being: Talking Point: “I appreciate your concern about our child’s well-being. It’s essential for us to address these concerns together. Let’s schedule a time to sit down and have an open, honest conversation about our observations and work collaboratively to find solutions that prioritize their safety and happiness.”
  • Challenges with co-parenting communication methods: Talking Point: “I’ve noticed that our current mode of communication may not be as effective as we’d like. Let’s explore alternative methods that may work better for both of us, such as utilizing a co-parenting app or setting up designated email communication. This way, we can ensure clear and documented conversations.”
  • Disagreements over financial responsibilities: Talking Point: “It seems we have differing opinions on financial responsibilities. To prevent misunderstandings, let’s establish a clear plan that outlines each person’s financial contributions towards our child’s needs. This will help ensure transparency and fairness in our financial arrangements.”
  • Issues with maintaining consistent rules and routines: Talking Point: “Consistency is vital for our child’s stability and development. Let’s work together to establish consistent rules and routines in both households. By aligning our approaches, we can provide our child with a sense of structure and security.”
  • Difficulty in communicating about sensitive topics: Talking Point: “Sensitive topics can be challenging to discuss, but it’s important to address them for the well-being of our child. Let’s approach these conversations with empathy and open-mindedness. We can create a safe space to share our concerns and perspectives, and find solutions that prioritize our child’s needs.”
  • Coordinating special events or milestones: Talking Point: “Our child’s special events and milestones are significant moments in their life. Let’s collaborate on planning and coordinating these occasions to ensure both parents can be involved. By working together, we can create memorable experiences for our child and show our support.”

Wrapping Up…

In conclusion, communicating with a toxic ex is undoubtedly one of the most challenging aspects of single motherhood. However, by implementing the dos and avoiding the don’ts, you can take control of the situation and create a healthier co-parenting environment for the sake of your child. Remember, setting boundaries, using neutral language, maintaining written records, and seeking support are the building blocks of effective communication.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that progress may be slow and setbacks may occur. But every step you take towards establishing a more peaceful and respectful co-parenting relationship is a victory for both you and your child. Your dedication to their well-being and your commitment to rising above toxicity will shape their future and set a positive example.

Ultimately, by prioritizing open, constructive, and child-focused communication, you can create an atmosphere that shields your child from unnecessary conflict and allows them to thrive. Your strength, resilience, and unwavering love for your child will guide you through the challenges of co-parenting with a toxic ex. Embrace the dos, learn from the don’ts, and trust in your ability to create a brighter and more harmonious future for your child—a future where they are surrounded by love, stability, and healthy communication.

The Dos and Don’ts of Communicating with a Toxic Coparent

Jul 1, 2023

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