
Single motherhood






Hi, I'm a Kenyan-born, Colorado-based single mom to twins Hodari and Milambu. I turned the challenges of single motherhood into a thriving YouTube community and blog. Here, I offer support and practical advice on parenting, lifestyle, and more. Let's navigate life's complexities together!


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single motherhood





Pregnancy is such a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Those nine months when you get to experience your baby growing inside you can be so magical. It’s a time to celebrate life and rejoice as you anticipate welcoming your baby into this world. However, for some women, the realities of going through pregnancy alone can be very depressing.

When I found out I was pregnant, my ex decided he would be there to support me but because we weren’t really together, I couldn’t rely on him for everything. I did my best to keep him updated on the progress and I invited him to all the appointments, but he only made it to one. He was there for some emotional support but I went through the majority of it alone. Trying to navigate this new world as a first-time mom was difficult. There were so many instances I wished I had done things differently so I could have experienced pregnancy differently — with the right man beside me.

Related: How To Prepare To Be A Single Mom

What made it even more challenging was that I was doing it single and pregnant with twins. Now I know there are women who choose to have kids by themselves by choice and are just fine going through pregnancy alone but in this post, I hope to share with you some of the realities of going through pregnancy alone. What it’s really like being single and pregnant.

going through pregnancy alone

The Realities of Going Through Pregnancy Alone

It’s creating a registry and knowing you won’t be able to purchase all the items. Looking at the list of items you need to buy and wondering how you’ll afford them. Placing the items in your registry in hopes that someone else will buy them for you. 

It’s hiding your pregnancy from your family and friends because you are afraid of what they’ll think. Constantly avoiding interactions with other people so they don’t find out you’re pregnant and start gossiping about you. Worrying what your African parents and relatives will think when they know you became pregnant out of wedlock.

It’s feeling abandoned and rejected. Knowing that the fact that you chose life made your boyfriend desert you. He was very present in the making of the child but decided to abandon you at this time.

It’s going to the appointments alone. Celebrating your baby’s growth and milestones alone. Feeling the heartbeats and the kicks, and wishing there was someone else you could share that moment with. Seeing couples in the waiting room and wishing you had someone alongside you for emotional support and celebrations. 

It’s dealing with the emotions alone. The ups and downs of pregnancy hormone changes. The anger, sadness, bitterness, and loneliness. 

going through pregnancy alone

It’s not hosting a baby shower because you’ve isolated your friends. Sometimes being lucky enough to have a friend throw a party for you out of nowhere. 

It’s not doing a maternity photoshoot because you don’t want to be reminded that you were alone. Taking private pictures in the bathroom that no one will ever see.

It’s hating your ex for making you a single mother but also appreciating him for making you a mother. Wishing that you had conceived those babies with the right man who would be by your side.

It’s attending the hospital tour alone among excited couples. Watching other dads’ excitement at the expectation of their baby while your baby’s dad is nowhere to be found. 

It’s not attending birth classes because you don’t have a partner to go with. Knowing full well that you would be delivering your baby alone or with only your family beside you. 

It’s avoiding the question, “where is the dad?” In most interactions and hospital visits. Not being able to fill out the medical form correctly because you don’t know all the details of the father’s medical history. It’s making up excuses when you go to appointments alone that the dad is busy at work so you don’t seem alone.

It’s feeling shame and guilt. Shame that you allowed yourself to get pregnant out of a stable relationship and guilt for the life your child may have. The family structure they may miss as a result of you being a single mom.

It’s feeling uncertain about your baby’s future. Wondering if your single motherhood will affect them negatively. If they’ll be accepted. If you’ll be able to provide all that they’ll need.

It’s not having someone to rub your swollen feet when you are tired or help you shave your hairy legs. The small things that women in relationships or marriage enjoy. 

It’s working more than you want to so you can afford all the expenses. Going to work when tired and I’ll just because you need to secure the maternity leave or save enough money for baby items.

It’s going into labor alone, experiencing contractions alone. Worried that no one else will be there to welcome your baby when they arrive.

It’s giving birth alone. Being rushed into the operating room to have your babies and not knowing if your family will make it. Avoiding the pity looks from nurses and doctors.

It’s trying to heal after delivery while caring for your babies. Trying not to seem alone to the nurses so you refuse help when you need it most. 

Read more: How To Prepare Financially To Be A To Single Mom

This post is not to make you feel sorry for women who go through pregnancy alone but to help you realize how strong they are to go through this magical moment with little to no support. Despite all that I have mentioned, as your baby grows, you begin to form a connection with them and it doesn’t feel so alone anymore.

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What It’s Like Going Through Pregnancy Alone

single mom

Mar 1, 2022

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  1. Namonje

    February 20th, 2023 at 8:55 PM

    I experienced pregnancy all by myself it was the most painful time if my life and I’m afraid I’ve not healed from that trauma. I really need help

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