
Single motherhood






Hi, I'm a Kenyan-born, Colorado-based single mom to twins Hodari and Milambu. I turned the challenges of single motherhood into a thriving YouTube community and blog. Here, I offer support and practical advice on parenting, lifestyle, and more. Let's navigate life's complexities together!


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single motherhood





A mountain of dishes accumulates in the sink, toys are scattered on the floor as you hear yet another request for snacks. Stacks of bills cover the table, last week’s laundry waits in the hamper, and the odor emanating from your armpits threatens to acquaint you with the toilet bowl. Who has time for self-care?

There’s no denying that being a single mom is tough. Not only do you have to take care of your kids and your home, but you also have to take care of yourself. And, let’s be honest, sometimes it’s hard to find the time or energy to do that.

Even as I write this, I still wrestle with the idea that I could have a clean house, happy kids, all my bills paid and at the end of the day, I could immerse myself in bubbles while they sleep and still make it to bed in time to get 8hrs of sleep.

But I am realizing that I can’t wait for the perfect time to start doing things that are important to me and my kids. Taking care of myself is important, and it doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming.

So in this post, I am sharing with you some ways you some self-care ideas for single moms that will help you relax, rejuvenate, and recharge.

How To Make Time For Self-Care

A self-care activity doesn’t have to last an hour. It can take 5, 20, or 30 minutes to complete. Self-care is about engaging in activities you enjoy that contribute to your well-being. It can be as simple as talking to a friend or writing down your thoughts to relieve stress.

Self-care can be incorporated into your day by adding certain activities into your routine. For example, It can be beneficial to add reading to your morning routine since that can help you start the day feeling relaxed. And as an addition to your evening routine, you can watch a favorite show while drinking tea before bed to help you wind down.

These simple activities can make a big difference in your life when done consistently.

self-care activities

Self-Care Activities You Can Add To Your Day As A Single Mom

While you do not have to do each of these activities every day, adding a few to your daily routine can help ensure that you are being the best mom you can be:

1. Wake Up Early

The extra time you’ll have when you wake up early will allow you to do whatever you want before your kids wake up. You could read, shower, prepare for the day, drink coffee, or read your bible… the list is endless. 


2. Exercise Each Day

Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Exercising in the morning before the kids wake up is a great way to get the day started.

But even if you are unable to exercise in the morning, you can involve your kids during your exercise time to help them also care for their bodies.

3. Eat Healthier Meals

In addition to feeling and looking better, eating healthier will boost your energy levels.

Compared to processed foods, healthy meals are less likely to contain additives that can negatively impact our bodies. 

One way to make sure you’re eating healthy meals is by meal planning and meal prepping ahead of time so you can incorporate healthy meals throughout the week.

Related: 5 Easy Steps To A Better Meal Planning Routine

4. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is so integral to a better mood and overall health. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll find that you’re constantly irritated and depressed.

It may be difficult to get in 9 hours of sleep each day because of the responsibilities on your plate but find ways to make sure you’re getting in the recommended amount so you can function at your best.

You can also nap during the day if you need a quick recharge.

5. Read every day

Reading is such a great way form of entertainment. If you find that you’re always scrolling on your phone or watching tv out of boredom, then swap that with reading.

You can also have your kids read with you. If you have younger children as I do, then you can incorporate a quiet reading time where you all quietly read or you read while they play quietly.

6. Unplug from Social Media

You’re doing yourself a disservice when you spend hours watching other people live their lives and then comparing your life to theirs.

Find ways to unplug; whether it’s that you won’t check social media until all your responsibilities are done or you won’t follow accounts that make you feel inadequate.

These small steps can make a big difference in the way you view yourself and the way you take care of your family.

7. Incorporate Self-care days throughout the week

Keep a list of self-care ideas handy that you can reference whenever you need a recharge. And while you plan your week, add in days where you will do certain self-care activities.

These could be as simple as a bath with wine and music after you’ve put the kids to bed. Or a mani-pedi hour when you have someone babysit your kids and you go get your nails done.

self-care: journaling

Related: Exciting Solo-Date Ideas For Single Moms

8. Journal

Journaling is a great habit to take on if you find that you are always stressed and have a lot on your mind. Writing down your thoughts helps you clear your mind and may be a great way to self-reflect and see how much you’ve improved.

9. Get Dressed Everyday

Even if you plan on staying home the whole day, getting dressed and looking presentable improves your mood and makes you feel ready to take on the day.

10. Stay Hydrated

Make sure you’re getting in the recommended amount of water throughout the day. Drinking water has many benefits including regulating body temperature, keeping our joints lubricated, preventing infections, and keeping our body functioning properly.

11. Do A Brain Dump

By brain-dumping, you can get rid of thoughts that clog your head, making it difficult for you to accomplish anything.

It allows you to lay everything on paper and consider what’s worth prioritizing. Doing this can relieve some of the stress you may be feeling and can help you talking important tasks.

12. Do Something Special for Yourself Once or Twice a Week

buy yourself flowers

Buy yourself some fresh flowers, take yourself out to dinner, and binge a favorite show. Don’t wait for someone else to spoil you, spoil yourself.

13. Keep A Tidy Home

It may be difficult to keep a tidy home on top of the many demands of being a single mom but maintaining a clean home is self-care and will help you feel relaxed.

Develop a cleaning routine that will help you manage things effectively without being too overwhelmed and get your kids involved in the cleaning as well.

14. Incorporate A Morning and Evening Routine

Having a solid morning and evening routine that involve skincare routines will help you be more organized and refreshed throughout the day.

15. Do Something Kind For Someone Else

Just because you are a single mom who may be struggling doesn’t mean that you can’t help others. Find ways to give back to others as volunteering can help lift your spirit when you are feeling discouraged or depressed. You can volunteer at a local shelter or make some food and donate it to someone in need.

16. Get Out To Nature

Get out of the home every day and enjoy nature by either going for a walk, taking the kids to a different (more scenic) park, or going for a bike ride. Being outside can help improve your mood when you’re feeling down.

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As I have already shared, incorporating self-care into your daily routine isn’t a difficult task and is something you should consider doing if you find that you’re always stressed, overwhelmed, or burned out from doing too much.

It’s important that you take care of yourself and doing the activities mentioned in this post will go a long way in ensuring that you are showing up as the parent you want to be no matter the challenges you face.

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How to Incorporate Self-care Into Your Daily Routine As A Single Mom


Aug 28, 2022

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  1. SAHM-Rosalinda

    January 19th, 2023 at 9:39 AM

    i lUV all ur content on YT,i have been a long time supporter of ur channel my friend-& youare such an inspiration as well as very motivational.I am a SAHM w/multiple kiddOs myself & learn alot from ur videos.Always stay tree top tall friend & always know ur worth-you are an AH-MAZING MOTHER & have very beautiful twin boys-ur friend SAHM-Rosalinda greetings from CA.

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