
Single motherhood






Hi, I'm a Kenyan-born, Colorado-based single mom to twins Hodari and Milambu. I turned the challenges of single motherhood into a thriving YouTube community and blog. Here, I offer support and practical advice on parenting, lifestyle, and more. Let's navigate life's complexities together!


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single motherhood





My stomach was in a knot, my palms sweaty, and my heart beat faster than I thought possible. I could feel nerves bubbling up inside me as I sat in the empty hallway awaiting my time. Affixed to the door were the words: DIVISION 26 Courtroom. I swallowed my nerves.

After months of filing motion after motion and countless mediations, I had finally reached this point – my first time in family court. It was the culmination of all my efforts to try and find a way to co-parent with my ex. I had tried everything – communication, forgiveness, understanding, and reasoning – but nothing seemed to work.

As I sat there, my feet tapping relentlessly and my thoughts racing, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. This wasn’t the outcome I had wanted, but I had no choice but to face it head-on. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, but it only seemed to make them worse.

I had seen enough courtroom dramas to know what to expect, but nothing could have prepared me for the reality of it all. The room was empty except for a court clerk. I approached my desk with caution, eyes peeled on the word PETITIONER.

As we presented our arguments to the judge, I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things would turn out in my favor. But as the judge made her decision, I quickly realized that it wasn’t the outcome I had hoped for. It felt like a crushing blow, and my heart sank as I tried to process the news.

Leaving the courtroom, I felt even worse than I did going in. It wasn’t just the disappointment of the decision – it was the realization that nothing would change. That I would still have to keep fighting, and that the co-parenting struggle would continue. And I was tired of fighting. I had given it my all and tried everything I could think of, but it never seemed to be enough.

The weight of the situation felt like a heavy burden, and I could feel my feet dragging as I made my way out of the courthouse. It was hard to accept that this was my reality, that I would have to keep fighting for the sake of my children. But I knew I couldn’t give up. I had come too far and put in too much effort to let it all go to waste.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was strong enough to face this challenge. I would find a way to keep going, to keep pushing forward. Even when it felt like everything was against me, I knew that I had to keep fighting for what I believed was right.

family court

Helpful Tips for Single Moms Navigating Family Court Without a Lawyer

Navigating family court without a lawyer can be daunting for anyone, especially single mothers who are already dealing with the stress of co-parenting. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can increase your chances of success.

While it may feel overwhelming at first, always keep in mind that your main goal is to secure the best possible outcome for your child. With determination, patience, and the tips outlined in this article, you can navigate family court with confidence and come out on top:


I am not a lawyer and do not purport to offer legal advice. I am simply sharing the knowledge I have gained based on my own experience as a single mom navigating family court without a lawyer. Please seek legal assistance to confirm the information provided in this post.

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Before The Hearing

1. Submit a Motion for Every Issue you Want to be Addressed

It’s important to understand that the judge will only address matters that are submitted in a motion. If you want a particular issue to be addressed, make sure to file a motion addressing that issue specifically.

For example, I wanted to request reimbursement but in my original filing, I only filed a motion to modify parenting time and decision-making. So because my original filing didn’t include reimbursement, the judge refused to consider that topic.

2. Know what outcome you want and be prepared to present it confidently

When you go to court, you should have a clear idea of what outcome you want and be prepared to present it in a confident and articulate way. It’s important to remember that the judge’s primary concern is the best interest of the child, so make sure that your desired outcome aligns with this.

Think about your current situation and the issues you are struggling with and how those issues affect the children. Now craft a statement that details what is going on and what can be done to improve the situation and how that outcome is the best for the children.

4. Consider seeking the help of a legal aid clinic or self-help center

Most courts have a free legal aid or self-help clinic available so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of what to do, consider seeking help. These organizations can provide guidance and support throughout the court process and can help to ensure that you’re prepared and confident when you go to court.

5. Realize You May Not Get The Outcome You Want

They don’t lie when they say that family court wasn’t made for families. When you go to court, it’s usually the last resort after attempting various other solutions. Even so, it’s possible that you may not achieve the outcome you desire, and coming to terms with this can be discouraging.

It’s essential to recognize that the judge’s decision will be based on what is in the best interest of the child. Therefore, if the solution you are seeking benefits your child, you should present it to the judge with supporting evidence to help them make the right decision.

Additionally, it’s vital to shift your mindset from thinking that your solution is the best because of your feelings toward your ex-partner. The court proceedings are not about you; they are about your child. If your ex-partner has been a positive influence and has not been abusive, it’s in your child’s best interest to have both parents involved in their life.

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6. Understand What The Court Can and Cannot Do

As stated above, you may not get the outcome you want in court this is because the court can only do so much. When you understand the limits of the court, you are able to approach your hearing with the right expectations.

Here’s what the court CAN do:

  • award custody and set a parenting plan,
  • order support payments (including wage withholding),
  • divide property and debts (in a divorce),
  • enter a divorce,
  • grant a protection order or include restrictions on contact, and
  • enforce orders through contempt powers

Here’s what the court CAN NOT do:

  • grant requests that are not supported by the law,
  • make your partner change, or
  • make your partner easier to get along with.

7. Dress Appropriately and Be On Time

First impressions matter, so it’s important to dress appropriately and arrive on time for your court appearance. Dress in a way that is respectful and professional, and make sure to arrive early so that you have time to go through security and find the right courtroom.

Preparing Your Presentation

8. Research Family Law In Your State

Take the time to research the laws in your state and learn what is considered “the best interest of the child” as these laws will govern the judge’s decision. Judges will also make a decision based on previous cases so research other cases that are similar to yours to find out what decision the judge may lean towards.

9. Be Organized and Prepared

Before you go to court, make sure that you have all of the necessary documents and information organized and readily accessible. This includes things like a calendar, a journal, and any other relevant documents. Being prepared will help you feel more confident and in control.

I presented my evidence in a binder. In it, I included all the documents I wanted the judge to review, whether it was text messages, emails, our current order, and so forth. Make sure you label your exhibits appropriately and print enough copies for every party (usually 4 copies). Also, note that you will have to write down each piece of evidence and submit it to the other party and court before the hearing.

10. Label Your Exhibits Properly

If you’re presenting exhibits, make sure that they’re properly labeled and organized so that you can refer to them easily during your testimony. You don’t want to waste precious time searching for a document or exhibit while you have a time limit.

If you are the petitioner, you label your exhibits using numbers and the respondent uses letters to label their exhibits.

Also, note that the judge will only review the exhibits you mention during your testimony. He/she won’t look at all the exhibits you provide. So if a certain piece of evidence is important, you have to refer to it during your testimony.

11. Be Prepared To Answer Questions

The other party may ask you questions during your testimony, so be prepared to answer them in a calm and professional manner. Remember to stick to the relevant issues and avoid getting defensive or emotional.

12. You Will be Timed So Practice your testimony ahead of time

Going in, I didn’t realize that there was a time limit to delivering my testimony so I spent too much time on certain topics and wasn’t able to get through all the issues I wanted to present. To avoid this, make sure you stick to the relevant issues and practice before your hearing.

Set a timer and deliver your presentation within that time and refine your approach until you have it right. Doing this will help you stay focused and ensure that you’re able to communicate your position effectively.

During The Hearing

13. Be Respectful and Courteous

It’s important to be respectful and courteous to everyone in the courtroom, including the judge, court staff, and the other party. This can go a long way in creating a positive impression and can help to make the process go more smoothly.

Don’t let your emotions get in the way. Despite how you feel about the other party, present your points in an emotionless factual manner. The judge doesn’t care that the other party was rude to you or mistreated you. If you behave in an inappropriate manner, it will be counted against you and you will be seen as the bad guy even if you’re the victim.

14. Be Mindful of Your Body Language

Your body language can communicate a lot, so it’s important to be mindful of how you’re presenting yourself in court. Make sure to maintain eye contact with the judge, avoid slouching or fidgeting, and project confidence and professionalism.

15. Stick to Facts, not Feelings

The judge only cares about court orders and how they relate to the best interest of the child. So don’t waste your time getting emotional over the way your ex has treated you, focus only on what the court order says and how he/she has broken the order.

My therapist really helped me with this. She made me realize that I can’t be emotional in front of the judge because it’s not about me, it’s about my kids. So when presenting my points, it really helped to stick to what the court order said and how the other party violated instead of how the other person made me feel.

16. Stick To Relevant Issues ONLY

You only have a brief time to present all your issues so be sure to stick to the issues that are relevant to your case and avoid going into tangents that won’t improve your case. Stick to the facts and present them in a clear and concise manner.

If you’re trying to get the judge to change parenting time because of abuse or neglect, focus only on those topics. Present evidence that supports your points and nothing else.

17. Follow Court Ettiquette

It’s important to follow the rules and etiquette of the court, such as addressing the judge as “Your Honor” and avoiding interruptions or outbursts. This will help to create a positive impression and show that you respect the court process.

After The Hearing

18. Don’t Wallow In Your Emotions

If you didn’t get the outcome you wanted, dust yourself off and keep going. It’s okay to feel discouraged but don’t stay there. Be strong for yourself and your kids. Seek the support of your family and friends as this could be a hard time.

19. Keep Documenting

Just because you’re done with your hearing doesn’t mean that you’ll never grace the walls of family court again. Don’t assume that things will suddenly get better and that you can stop documenting different situations and issues that concern you. Keep documenting, and keep a record of what goes on so that if you need to use them again, you’re all set.

20. Respect Your Ex

No matter the outcome, respect your ex and don’t allow feelings of hatred to cloud your judgment. Think about what’s best for your children and use that as your guide in your interactions.

RELATED: How to Handle an Uncooperative Co-Parent: 6 Essential Guidelines for Single Moms

Wrapping Up…

Navigating family court without a lawyer can be daunting for anyone, especially single mothers who are already dealing with the stress of co-parenting. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to stay organized and focused on the relevant issues, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice when needed.

While it may feel overwhelming at first, always keep in mind that your main goal is to secure the best possible outcome for your child. With determination, patience, and the tips outlined in this article, you can navigate family court with confidence and come out on top.

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Facing Family Court Alone: The Ultimate Guide for Single Moms

family court

Apr 14, 2023

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  1. Pamela Uribe

    April 15th, 2023 at 2:01 AM

    Faith you are wise AND smart. I’m sorry the “verdict” wasn’t exactly what you were hoping for, but hopefully as the boys get older and feelings simmer down, dealing with him will become smoother and easier.

  2. Faith

    April 15th, 2023 at 3:08 AM

    Thank you, Pamela! That is my hope!

  3. InYah

    April 18th, 2023 at 2:23 AM

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry to see you go through this rough season, but I believe you will overcome it. Continue to press forward and know that everything good is happening for you right now in your favor. Bless you ❤️

  4. Faith

    April 19th, 2023 at 11:13 PM

    Thank you Inyah!

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